enquire@starwoodconsulting.co.uk 07957 355202 / 01306 252673

What we do

We run projects of all sizes and scope for clients across ambulance and healthcare logistics. Read on to find out more about our recent work

Shropshire - NEPTS contract mobilisation

Client - E-zec Medical Transport Services

Our client had been awarded a five year contract for non-emergency patient transport, serving Shropshire and Powys. The mobilisation window for this (60 vehicle, 120 staff) contract had been reduced to eight weeks.

Our role
Starwood Consulting was engaged to lead the mobilisation project, manage the transition between providers, lead the client relationship and ensure the new service was delivered on time and within budget. Key elements of our work included:

- Detailed day-to day support and engagement with all work streams
- Full management of project planning, governance and risk/issue escalation
- Client stakeholder engagement - regular project updates and escalation
- Close liaison with the outgoing incumbent stakeholders to ensure a frictionless transition
- Detailed procurement options analysis
- Contract alignment analysis - to ensure all preparation work was aligned to the new contract specification
- Data cutover planning and execution
- Progressive handover to the substantive operations team

Our impact
Despite an extremely challenging timeframe, the new contract transitioned smoothly and on-time to E-zec Medical, the new incumbents. Starwood completed the mobilisation by leading a detailed project wash-up to ensure good practice and learning opportunities were discussed recorded, and taken forward to future mobilisations.