enquire@starwoodconsulting.co.uk 07957 355202 / 01306 252673

Our Story

How we got here and our experience.

Ed Clements - Director

Ed has been a leader in ambulance sector for over a decade.   Before starting Starwood Consulting, Ed was Managing Director of ERS Medical - a £70 million ambulance and medical courier business and the largest of its type in the UK.   Wanting a change from corporate leadership, Ed started Starwood Consulting in 2017 - a niche consulting service providing support for healthcare transport businesses large and small across the country as well as NHS commissioning bodies.  Ed has a 2.1 BSc in Transport Logistics from Loughborough University and has worked in healthcare and logistics for nearly 20 years.

Starwood Consulting has led major projects for the likes of Falck and TASL and is developing a growing client list of smaller businesses, which use Starwood on a retained basis to provide bidding, commercial and strategy support. 

Where does the name Starwood come from?   It's a nod to Ed's father who passed away in 2017.   John Clements, a leader in the shipping industry, was also a big fan of all things country music.   'Starwood in Aspen' is a wistful John Denver number so Starwood Consulting it became as a subtle tribute.  

David Cranmer - Associate Director

David is a healthcare business expert who has successfully built and sold two healthcare services organisations - Premier Care Direct, a specialist patient transport business and MedicNow, a staffing agency specialising in the ambulance sector.

David has over 15 years' experience and before healthcare entrepreneurship, was a successful management consultant for multi-national clients. David's experience is invaluable for Starwood's clients, helping them develop and deliver winning strategies based on real and recent experience of doing it himself.