enquire@starwoodconsulting.co.uk 07957 355202 / 01306 252673

Our services

We are passionate about delivering improvements in our sector. See what we do and how we can support your organisation


Flexible Sales Support

Finding upcoming tenders, commercial analysis, capture planning and bid writing.   These are all vital tasks in the process of growing any healthcare transport business.  This work can be complex and time consuming and it's our experience that it often falls to senior leaders.   We can help.   Our flexible sales support means you can use the best experts in the industry as much or as little as you need.   We'll understand your growth plans and manage some or all of your sales process.   Our service will be designed around you and can be changed at any time.  Think of it as having an on-demand Sales Director.  Our services:

- Opportunity tracking.  Monitoring tender portals for opportunities against your criteria
- Capture planning.    Gathering bid-winning content from your organisation
- Bid writing.   We have an enviable track record of bid wins in this sector
- Graphics development.  Bids come to life with a set of quality infographics to support the narrative
- Sales strategy.  Developing growth plans, commercial analysis, advice and support

Bid Support

If you've spent the time to identify a tender that you really want to win, your bid needs to, frankly, smash it out the park!  

So many capable organisation fail to grow in the bidding world because they simply don’t give bids enough attention.  The truth is that, in a competitive market place, an average bid won't win. Invest a little in developing content which make your business shine and you'll find that winning becomes a habit.  Our approach is to understand what commissioners are looking for and work closely with your key team members to gather information that will create a winning bid.   We will then head-off and write it for you.   

We also know that you don’t want to be reliant on consultants so we develop content that can be reused and tweaked by your team for future bids.

Contract Mobilisation

We have led some of the largest and most complex ambulance and healthcare courier mobilisations in England.   We have the experience and knowledge to anticipate and navigate the many challenges of these projects.     In recent years, our experts have led mobilisations including:

- Imperial College London Healthcare NHS Trust -  Non-emergency Patient Transport
- Royal Free London - Non-emergency Patient Transport
- Barts Health NHS Trust - Non-emergency Patient Transport

We have experience of many smaller ambulance and courier mobilisations and would be delighted to help make your new contract a success.

Commissioning Support

In recent years, many NHS-procured patient transport contracts have seen fewer suppliers participate. We believe that diminishing options leads to poorer services to patients.  We believe passionately in NHS procurement which delivers contracts that work for both commissioner and supplier.  These need detailed industry knowledge for success.   We know both sides of the procurement fence and have a passion for seeing this working well for the good of patient services and the sector more widely.    We will engage with NHS commissioners free of charge on selected projects. 

Commercial Analysis

Healthcare services contracts run on thin margins -that's just the truth of it and no supplier has the room to be out with the numbers.  We have experience of contracts large and small across the healthcare transport sector, getting the analysis correct and delivering sustainable services which deliver exceptional performance for patients and clients. We'd be delighted to help.  Our services include:
- Solution design
- Contract analysis
- Pricing analysis
- Service modelling
- Scenario testing and analysis

Project Leadership

We support with projects across healthcare transport.   Over the years we've helped organisations deliver a wide range of successful projects.  Here's just a few:

- Performance turnaround.
Projects focused on targeted performance improvement
- Acquisition. Pre-deal analysis, vendor engagement, due diligence support, operational transition
- Divestment. Developing a sale package, engaging buyers, presenting the pack, acquisition negotiation 
- IT systems transformation. Recently completed UK wide IT transformation for a multinational client
- Operational rota re-design. Re-working operational patterns to deliver improved service and cost saving
- Staff comms. Improving engagement with regular, carefully developed comms, through multiple channels
- Strategy analysis. We recently worked on a 5-year plan with a healthcare staffing agency