enquire@starwoodconsulting.co.uk 07957 355202 / 01306 252673

What we do

We run projects of all sizes and scope for clients across ambulance and healthcare logistics. Read on to find out more about our recent work

Acquisition brokerage and analysis

Client - various, trade and private equity

Starwood Consulting maintains strong connections with a large number of private ambulance and other healthcare transport businesses. Our aim is to maintain an in-depth knowledge of trends and changes in the market so that we can support our clients better. It's not uncommon for Starwood to establish and broker relationships between companies and prospective buyers.

Our role
Dependant on circumstances, Starwood will establish relationships on behalf of either buyer or acquirer. In most scenarios in recent years, we've had existing relationships with one or both parties, able to broker initial meetings and key data capture. Starwood's credibility in the market helps to facilitate open, frank and productive conversations in the early phases. Stakeholders on both sides respect the integrity of our approach which engenders the development of trust and a faster moving discussion.

Our impact
We've brokered numerous acquisition introductions in recent years within ambulance, healthcare courier, community transport and secure mental health transport. We bring a trusted name and approach which supports and facilitates fast-moving and productive dialogue.