enquire@starwoodconsulting.co.uk 07957 355202 / 01306 252673

What we do

We run projects of all sizes and scope for clients across ambulance and healthcare logistics. Read on to find out more about our recent work

Fleet strategy review

Client - Cairngorm Capital Partners

Having recently acquired a large ambulance business, our client needed to quickly established the most appropriate strategy for the procurement and lifecycle management of this 550-strong fleet.

Our role
Our brief was to consider the increasing age profile of the existing fleet, new equipment and technology options, fleet procurement options, in-life management and disposal. Starwood was asked to develop the best all-around strategy which would provide a balance of cost-effectiveness and business flexibility. Our work included:

- Working closely with lenders and finance brokers to develop fleet finance options
- Presentation of a new cost model for fleet funding, including sensitivity analysis and recommendations
- Capability analysis of existing fleet technology, inc. fleet management system, telematics and on-board cameras
- Working with operational teams, business requirements capture in respect of fleet technology
- Development and completion of tender process for the provision of a new fleet telematics system
- Scoping, development and procurement of a new, improved and more cost-effective fleet camera solution
- A clear set of recommendations presented to the Cairngorm board, fully costed with supporting analysis

Our impact
As a result of our work, our client took forward with confidence a new fleet strategy which was fit for both the existing shape of the fleet and the future growth aspirations of the business. With improved understanding of whole-life costs, our client's fleet disposal and replacement approach is helping to drive down cost and maintain a safer, more reliable fleet.